Family First Bank will never ask for your password or account details to be disclosed via a link within an email message. If you receive an email of this nature, please disregard the email, delete it from your computer and notify Family First on 1300 369 900.
Our Commitment to Your Security and Privacy
We have employed a wide range of security measures to help protect your personal information and transactions. These measures extend from data encryption to firewalls to automatic timeouts. Therefore, when you do your banking online with us, you can be assured that your banking is safeguarded and protected.
Our Guarantee to You
In the unlikely event that an unauthorised transaction does occur on your account, we guarantee that you will not be liable for any unauthorised transaction carried out (provided you meet your obligations under our Account and Access Facility Product Disclosure Statement, the ASIC Electronic Funds Transfer Code of Conduct and you haven’t contributed to the loss).
It’s all part of our commitment to you, our members.

Your Security, We Can All Play a Part
As your financial institution, we take the protection of your information and transaction data very seriously. But online security is a partnership between us (as the provider of online banking services to you) and you (the user of these services). As such, it’s important that you do two things:
Technology cannot automatically protect you against all fraud and security risks. A range of email and other online frauds have been attempted over the last few years; these scams will continue and you should be aware of them.
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Equally, technological protection cannot protect you if you are careless with your personal information. You need to play your part in protecting your information responsibly and in accordance with our terms and conditions.
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